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Themes in detail ​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​

The IAEG2026 congress will demonstrate how Engineering Geology contributes to sustainable global development and mitigation of climate change in its many fields of applications. It will also highlight how Engineering Geology practice and research should further evolve in a rapidly changing world.

Below are the details of the nine congress main themes over-arched by two themes: Sustainable development and Climate change mitigation and adaptation.

Sustainable development

Climate change mitigation and adaptation

1- Innovation in ground modelling

New Engineering Geology tools for (sub)surface investigation and modelling.

Focus on new technology for geotechnical property determination, 3D modelling, and monitoring in situ. Special attention to challenging environments: offshore, onshore, cities, nature reserves, mountains and outer space. ​

2- Low lying, coastal, soft soil countries

Engineering Geology for a future in densely populated low lying, coastal, deltaic, soft soil countries.

Focus on subsidence, coastal erosion, and flooding protection, incl. water management.​

3- Geohazards

Engineering Geology for the identification, modelling, prevention, mitigation, and management of natural and man-induced geohazards.

Focus on landslides, earthquakes, volcanoes, and tsunamis, karst subsidence​, droughts, erosion, and flooding.

Special attention to cascading multi-hazards.

4- Engineering Geology in the energy transition

Engineering Geology focus on CO2 sequestration, energy storage, geothermal energy, wind energy, hydropower, and nuclear energy.

5- Responsible use of the (sub)surface

Engineering Geology focus on mining ores, rare earths and aggregates, induced geohazards, (post-)mining risk management, resilient infrastructure, dredging and compensation for nature, building-with nature and smart bio-geomaterials.

6- Environmental Engineering

Engineering Geology for a virtuous clean water cycle and circularity in waste management.

Focus on tailing dams, desalinization, contaminant transport and treatment, innovations for the removal of micro-plastic, and sludge recycling.

7- Engineering Geology for the preservation of heritage

Focus on Engineering Geology techniques for characterization and preservation of geo(archeo)logical and industrial sites, policy and management. Special attention to building stones and ancient mines.

8- Engineering Geology in the Digital transition and AI revolution

Focus on 3D geo-mapping, learning from big data sets,

Artificial Intelligence. Virtual and Augmented reality in Engineering Geology.

9- Boosting Engineering Geology

Added value of Engineering Geology.

BOE, the Bulletin of Engineering Geology and the Environment: past, present, future.

Innovations in Education and training in Engineering Geology.

YEG, the Young Engineering Geology group and

WEG, Women in Engineering Geology.​

Please note that the congress will cover engineering geology across all environments, including both soils and rocks, from shallow to great depths.

While all classic engineering geology topics will be addressed, contributions that emphasize sustainability, with a focus on climate change mitigation and adaptation, are especially valued. Case studies highlighting the added value of engineering geology in any engineering field are highly encouraged.

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